We believe in one God that exists in three distinct persons: Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit. God the Father created the world and everyone in it to
be in perfect relationship with him. However, humanity turned from God
and chose sin. Sin divided people and separated humanity from God.
Humanity turned away but God never left.
Jesus is the Son of God, fully God and fully human. Jesus came into
this world to serve all, willingly gave his life to save all, and made known
his power over all and his love for all. Jesus conquered death and provides
the way for everyone to once again be connected to God through the
forgiveness of our sins and live life for eternity.
God’s Grace
God’s grace was made known in Jesus Christ and offers all of us
forgiveness. God’s grace is with us before we realize it. God’s grace
continues to work in us throughout our lives.
We believe that the Bible is the Word of God that still speaks today.
The Church
The Church is the gathering of believers that exists to glorify God and
make known the name of Jesus.